
Seven facts about Friday the 13th

  • It is considered as unlucky in the western superstition
  • There will be two Friday the 13ths every year until 2020.
  • The fear of the number 13 has been given a scientific name, called “triskaidekaphobia
  • The superstition surrounding this day may have arisen in the Middle Ages, “originating from the story of Jesus’ last supper and crucifixion” in which there were 13 individuals present in the Upper Room on the 13th of Nisan Maundy Thursday, the night before Jesus’s death on Good Friday.[3][4] While there is evidence of both Friday[5] and the number 13 being considered unlucky, there is no record of the two items being referred to as especially unlucky in conjunction before the 19th century.
  • The Greeks also consider Tuesday (and especially the 13th) an unlucky day.
  • An estimated 17 to 21 million people in the United States are affected by a fear of this day, making it the most feared day and date in history.
  • We at ECS Customised Solutions are making Friday the 13th Lucky by giving you 13% off on all order bigger than 13 units until Friday the 13th…. Aren’t you Lucky?

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